Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homade gifts

El Buro's getting intense about this project. He keeps sending me these 'cute' update e-mails about the various stages of homade gift crafting. What they are is a poorly disguised 'I'm fucking kicking your ass at this'. It's ok, though, because I have this: 
The purple toilet paper tube penguin. I made it. 
You could, like, put a pencil in the tube? But not a pen! Too heavy. 
Nor a toothbrush because he would get soggy.  But a pencil! Yes!
Challenge ACCEPTED, El Buro. 


  1. I have been so busy posting threatening emails, I haven't had a chance to start my wire-brush stick man.

  2. ps: can it be used as a cock ring?

  3. Surely that beak would stimulate one of us, no?
